batucada workshop
Eventual and continuous workshops for extracurricula, home classes, civic centers, events, companies ...
Occasional workshops for schools, community centers, civic centers...
We also offer our group-school of batucada Kanimambo and Masterclass to already active batucada groups.
We will learn to play different rhythms and instruments of the Brazilian percussive culture such as samba reggae, baiao, samba enredo...
In occasional workshops, we create a percussion group with participants who may have never played percussion. And working in an orderly and didactic way, through rhythm and a simple choreography, they will feel that they are making music and are part of a percussion group.
We currently work in different schools, with batucada groups as an extracurricular activity. With a weekly class, we teach to play different instruments and create songs, in order to go out and perform on the street.
You just have to bring the desire to enjoy, we provide the rest!
Request information:
Workshop aimed at children from 3 to 6 years old and from 7 to any age.
For groups from 8 to 25 students.
Focused on students of different rhythmic levels.
Workshop duration: between one and two hours ..
We play instruments such as surdos, caja, repeniqe, tamborim, agogó ... provided by TocART .